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Thoughts & Inspiration

Thanks for the Memories

A letter to Passport Immersion 3rd generation/ World Race Gap Year 1st Generation:   To my brother and sisters, it's only been two weeks since our departure from the O'Hare airport, and yet I am missing your faces almost as…

A Mama’s Heart

Over the course of this trip, many of us have seen the truths in humanity that seem to be universal. A smile, for example, bridges all languages. A simple hug displays love just the same.  I witnessed a universal heartache…


After being on the field for almost 5 months now, the term “#missionarylife” has become a comical expression used among our community to refer to things that just don’t happen at home, or at least not as often.  * Not…

O Great is Thy Faithfulness

Typhoon Yolanda is recorded as the worst natural disaster in the history of the world. There are over 16 million people affected, 6,155 people dead, 4.1 million people displaced, and 1.1 million houses damaged or destroyed as a result of the…

Grits and Garth Brooks

There is surely something to be said about community. In the past 4 months, we have laughed about things nonsensical. We have grieved the hard losses. We have been in the presence of the Holy Spirit together. We have been…