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A letter to Passport Immersion 3rd generation/ World Race Gap Year 1st Generation:

To my brother and sisters, it's only been two weeks since our departure from the O'Hare airport, and yet I am missing your faces almost as much as I missed home-cooked meals in Xakao/Sehithwa.

Thank you for the memories that will forever be etched on my heart. Community was difficult at times, but that is not what I remember.

I remember the countless times I walked into a room and was greeted by that huge smile of Emily Herrin. I remember the card/board games we played at Zion's gate and sitting on the roof of the small building to watch the Tegucigalpa city lights. I remember walking through a river to get to church with the two Armando's and Eduardo. I remember the squad meetings where everything fell silent and then Chris Burns came in with his wit and had us belly laughing for what seemed like forever.  I remember that night in Africa where squad improv took on a whole new level. I remember Timmy and Jake singing "Baby It's Cold Outside" on Christmas.  I remember the 10 year old giddiness when we all found out that team debriefs meant candy! I remember the night/morning at that hotel in Copan where EVERYONE looked like a zombie. I remember the constant chatter and tomfoolery that came with Riley and Tori.  I remember the ferry ride from Tacloban/Basey on the way back to Manila and the incredible sunset that blessed us that evening. The numerous caffeinated drinks we bought at Espresso Americano.  I remember the worship that was never planned but just kinda happened. The shrieks and chatter every time the squad reunited. I remember the majority of us getting baptized at Lake Attilan. I remember the song that Mackenzie and Brittany performed that was stuck in our heads for weeks afterward. I remember the moment when Tara said she was going to shave her head with me at Gracie's. I remember the quick runs to the pulperia/tienda/sari-sari/tuk shop. I remember Morgan making friends with virtually every bus driver we've had. The flight to the Philippines and the remarkably funny sleeping pictures of everyone. (#worldraceNAPyear, am I right?) The hard conversations. The great one-on-ones. The smiles. The tears. The hugs. The friendships. The community that we built over the last 9 months that I've come to call family. The fact that we share the same Father who loves us so much and who took His children on the field trip of a lifetime.

Thank you for the memories ya'll.
Love you guys so much!