
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Over the course of this trip, many of us have seen the truths in humanity that seem to be universal.

A smile, for example, bridges all languages. A simple hug displays love just the same. 
I witnessed a universal heartache this last week in Xakao. A baby girl started to limp around one night. She is almost 3 and walked very well on her own prior to this evening. As the hours passed, she began to cry and could not stand up at all without pain in her legs. Her tiny little legs had gone limp and none of us were sure what was wrong. 
Her Mama was unsettled. She was doing everything she could to take away the pain and nothing seemed to be working. Our group began to pray with the baby and Mama for God to provide peace in her body and in the mother's heart. 
What struck me about this evening, was the heart of the Mama. So many times I have seen my mother do everything in her capability to help and fix whenever my siblings and I have been ill. I am not a mother, nor do I claim to know the hurt when your child is sick- but this is what I do know:
The heart of a mother is universal. The selflessness of a momma crosses culturally and is a bond I hope to one day share with so many women around the world. 

Dear Momma, thank you for supporting me in everything. Thank you for taking care of my ouchies when I was tiny. Thank you for comforting me when i needed a shoulder to cry on and for disciplining me to become a woman of faith and character. I've missed you like crazy these past 9 months- thank you for loving me so well as I've been gone. Your encouragement has meant the world to me. Happy Mother's Day Jenny- I love you!